
Successful transfer and strong cooperation: Jena's Center of Excellence achieves second place in the first round of the Fraunhofer Centers of Excellence's competition

September 3, 2024

LNOI waveguide components on a wafer scale.
© Fraunhofer IOF
LNOI waveguide components on a wafer scale.

In the first round of the Fraunhofer Centers of Excellence's competition, the Excellence Center in Photonics was awarded second place in the overall evaluation. The Center of Excellence was recognized for the high quality and ambition of the successes already achieved and measures implemented as well as future projects.

The close interdisciplinary cooperation within the network of participating institutions in Jena was particularly emphasized. The transfer activities, which are also reflected in the support of spin-offs and start-ups in the field of photonics through the Digital Innovation Hub Photonics, were also positively highlighted in the evaluation. Both measures enable the Center of Excellence to provide significant regional economic impetus. The Center of Excellence in Photonics also impressed with one of its numerous transfer successes. In close cooperation with the start-up Q.ANT, researchers from the participating institutes have developed low-loss LNOI waveguide components the size of a wafer, which are used as a key component for photonic integrated circuits.

From 2025, the Center of Excellence will start a second round of the competition and will be funded with a total of three million euros until 2027.

SPIE Photonics West: Researchers from Fraunhofer IOF and the Institute for Applied Physics Jena honored with "Best Student Presentation Awards"

February 9, 2024

Preistragende der "Best Student Presentation Awards" at SPIE Photonics West 2024
© Fraunhofer IOF
Maximilian Karst, Mathias Lenski and Friedrich Möller (f.l.t.r.) – winners of the „Best Student Presentation Awards”

This year's participation in SPIE Photonics West in San Francisco was crowned with success for participating researchers from Jena: Three "Best Student Presentation Awards" went to scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF and the Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at Friedrich Schiller University Jena for the particular scientific relevance and quality of their presentations.


The latest research developments and technologies in the field of optics and photonics attracted numerous representatives from science and industry to San Francisco from January 30 to February 1, 2024 for the largest international conference for photonics - SPIE Photonics West. The international event included the conferences "Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XXIV" and "Fiber Lasers XXI: Technology and Systems", at which scientists from Jena were also represented.

Particularly scientifically outstanding contents and their presentation were honored with "Best Student Presentation Awards" at the two sub-conferences. This year, three researchers from Jena were able to convince the conference committee: Maximilian Karst (IAP), Friedrich Möller (IOF) and Mathias Lenski (IAP).

Further Information

Leistungszentrum Photonik Elevator Pitches 2023

October 12, 2023

Winners of the Leistungszentrum Photonik Elevator Pitches 2023
© Fraunhofer IOF
Awardees of the Leistungszentrum Photonik Elevator Pitch 2023, 1st from left: Project Coordinator of the Leistungszentrum Photonik Dr. Robert Kammel, 2nd from right: Eleonore Roderfeld, 1st from right: Margherita Pasquali.

New, creative research ideas and innovative technology concepts often arise in everyday scientific work. However, in order to further develop these in a publicly funded project, numerous open questions must first be clarified, especially in the initial phase, e.g. regarding the fundamental technical feasibility or the evaluation of different solutions.

The "High Performance Center Photonics" - a joint initiative of the Fraunhofer IOF and the IAP/FSU Jena as well as the associated partners Leibniz HKI and IPHT and the Helmholtz Institute Jena - promotes research in important future fields of photonics and supports the transfer of innovative ideas into solutions for science, industry and society.

With the Elevator Pitches 2023, the High Performance Center once again offered researchers from the IOF and IAP the opportunity to present their innovative ideas at the Photonics Days 2023 and to win start-up funding for the further development of these ideas through the evaluation by the audience. This year, 5 innovative ideas were presented in focused, 5-minute pitches:

  • Canan Gallitschke (ACP): Brain-Computer-Interface in the Lab
  • Saikat Chandra Das (IOF): Optically Measuring the Material Thickness of Transparent Objects
  • Daniel Lenhardt (IOF): Emotion-Driven Photonics Interface
  • Johannes Kretzschmar (IAP): Gamification of Virtual Remote Experiments
  • Robert Leitel (IOF): META-Lens for infrared imaging

All the projects presented were rated very positively by the audience and were thus able to win project funding totalling €40,000 for initial experimental implementations. We would like to thank all the speakers and look forward to the results of the research projects!

Further information about the event

Festive symposium "Unternehmen Region" celebrates successful collaborative projects in Thuringia

The festive symposium was organized by Leibniz HKI and Fraunhofer IOF and designed together with numerous stakeholders of the successful funded projects.
© Leibniz HKI
The festive symposium was organized by Leibniz HKI and Fraunhofer IOF and designed together with numerous stakeholders of the successful funded projects.
Prof. Dr. Gunther Notni (left) of Fraunhofer IOF together with Hans-Peter Hiepe (BMBF) with 3D measurement technology, the fundamentals of which were developed within the framework of the 3Dsensation research alliance.
© Leibniz HKI
Prof. Dr. Gunther Notni (left) of Fraunhofer IOF together with Hans-Peter Hiepe (BMBF) with 3D measurement technology, the fundamentals of which were developed within the framework of the 3Dsensation research alliance.
Keynote speech by Dr. Bernd Ebersold, Head of Department for Research, Technology and Innovation at the Thuringian Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Society.
© Leibniz HKI
Keynote speech by Dr. Bernd Ebersold, Head of Department for Research, Technology and Innovation at the Thuringian Ministry of Economy, Science and Digital Society.

With the "Unternehmen Region" (engl.: Enterprise Region) program family, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research funded eight thematically open individual programs to promote research and innovation in eastern Germany from 1999 to 2022. In total, more than 500 regional innovation initiatives were supported with a total of over two billion euros. To celebrate the outstanding results of the programs and to initiate discussions on new topics for the future, Leibniz HKI as well as Fraunhofer IOF invited to a festive symposium at the Beutenberg Campus in Jena on July 20, 2023.


The program family made it possible to support two essential subject areas that have a great tradition in the Jena region in particular: optics and precision mechanics on the one hand, and infection and active ingredient research on the other. Through diverse and interdisciplinary alliances that had emerged from the "Unternehmen Region" programs, numerous new impulses could be set in these fields, which at the same time became sources of ideas for application-oriented research throughout Germany. In particular, cross-institutional programs such as the centers for innovation competence Septomics and ultraoptics, the research consortium InfectControl, the research alliance 3Dsensation, and the growth cores fo+ and Tailored Optical Fibers (TOF) formed the cornerstones for numerous new research topics and cooperation platforms.


On July 20, 2023, the Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology e. V. Hans Knöll Institute HKI and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF invited to celebrate the outstanding results of the program family "Unternehmen Region" at a festive symposium. Furthermore, discussions on new future topics were initiated and ideas were discussed on how to further promote the positive further development of the innovation ecosystem Jena. Numerous guests from science, business and politics exchanged views on the successful funding formats and the diverse impulses that the programs and alliances have set in the region as well as nationwide. In addition to the speeches, highlights included a tour of the two institutes' modern research infrastructures.

Rocket launches James Webb telescope with optics manufactured by Fraunhofer IOF into space

December 27, 2021

Visualisierung des James-Webb-Weltraumteleskops.
© ESA/ATG medialab
Visualization of the James Webb Space Telescope, which is designed to look deeper into space than any other space observatory before it.

The James Webb Space Telescope is the largest and most capable space telescope ever launched into space. It started its journey to the stars on December 25. The telescope is expected to provide groundbreaking insights into scientific deep space sensing and the early history of the universe - and perhaps even discover life in space. On board: high-precision mirrors manufactured at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF in Jena.

For more than ten years, astronomers have been eagerly awaiting the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope. It will succeed the Hubble Space Telescope, which has been stationed in space since 1990, and will provide an even deeper and more brilliant view of the universe than its prominent predecessor.

to the german press release

Three million euros for new collaborations in application-oriented research in medicine and life sciences

August 5, 2021

With funding of almost three million euros, the Center of Excellence in Photonics is further expanding its research as an innovation platform in Jena. The funding will be used to initiate new research collaborations, particularly in the field of imaging for life sciences and medicine applications. The focus is on technologies operating in the spectral range of EUV radiation and beyond.

to the german press release


German Future Prize 2020 for research team from ZEISS, TRUMPF and Fraunhofer IOF for the development of EUV lithography

November 26, 2020

Presentation of the German Future Prize 2020
© Deutscher Zukunftspreis
(from left) Frank-Walter Steinmeier, President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Peter Kürz, ZEISS SMT Division, Dr. Sergiy Yulin, Fraunhofer IOF and Dr. Michael Kösters, TRUMPF Lasersystems for Semiconductor Manufacturing at the presentation of the German Future Prize 2020.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier announced the winners of the German Future Prize 2020 in a ceremony on November 25, 2020, this year on a smaller scale than usual due to the corona virus pandemic. For their project "EUV Lithography - New Light for the Digital Age", the German President awarded his prize for technology and innovation to the team of experts led by Dr. Peter Kürz (ZEISS), Dr. Michael Kösters, (TRUMPF), and Dr. Sergiy Yulin (Fraunhofer IOF).

In addition to the innovation performance, the top-class jury also evaluates the economic and social potential of the development. This is the ninth time that Fraunhofer has received the German Future Prize and it is the third time the prize went to the Jena-based Fraunhofer IOF. The German Future Prize has been awarded annually since 1997, is one of the most important scientific awards in Germany and carries a purse of 250,000 euros. It honors outstanding technical, engineering and scientific achievements that lead to products ready for application.

further information

Thuringian Innovation Award 2020 for Fraunhofer IOF spin-off SPACEOPTIX

November 26, 2020

Gruppenbild mit den Gründern von SPACEOPTIX.
Die vier Gründer von SPACEOPTIX (v.l.n.r.: Mathias Schulz, André Urbich, Matthias Beier, Marcel Hornaff).

The Jena-based start-up SPACEOPTIX has been awarded the Thuringian Innovation Prize 2020 in the "Light and Life" category. The company, which was founded as recently as this year, develops optical components and systems for applications in the aerospace industry. The start-up emerged from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF. The spin-off was supported by the "Digital Innovation Hub Photonics" (DIHP), an initiative to promote start-ups in the field of optics and photonics.

further information about SPACEOPTIX

Smart nanomaterials for photonics

October 7, 2020

Visualization of nanomaterials on an optical fiber.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Visualization of nanomaterials on an optical fiber.

At the latest since the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 2010 for research into graphene, 2D materials have been the focus of scientific attention. This is because these materials, which consist of only one layer of atoms, offer great potential for applications in very different fields due to their low thickness and versatile properties. In combination with optical waveguides, for example, 2D materials with outstanding optical properties enable entirely new applications in the fields of sensor technology, nonlinear optics and quantum electronics. However, bringing the two components together has so far been very complex. This is because the ultra-thin layers usually had to be produced separately and then transferred to the waveguide by hand.

Jena researchers, together with Australian colleagues, have now succeeded in growing 2D materials directly on optical fibers for the first time. This significantly simplifies the production of such hybrid nanomaterials. The team reports on their findings in the research journal "Advanced Materials".

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Young Scientist Award for "NeoVital" - contactless sensor from Jena-based research team honored

March 4, 2020

Group picture of the NeoVital project team and the laudators at the Edmund Optics Educational Award ceremony.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Group picture of the NeoVital project team and the laudators at the Edmund Optics Educational Award ceremony.

To avoid having to wire premature babies unnecessarily for medical examinations, researchers from Jena and Ilmenau have developed a technology of contactless 3D measurement. The core of the concept is an optical sensor that can measure vital parameters such as heart rate, blood oxygen content and respiratory volume by combining high-resolution 3D measurement technology and nano-optical filters. The measurement is performed without connecting the newborn to any devices or cables and at a distance of a few meters.

For their research idea, Jan Sperrhake (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) and his team members Chen Zhang (Ilmenau University of Technology) and Maria Nisser (Jena University Hospital) received the Edmund Optics Educational Award in the "Gold" category. The award, which comes with 7,000 euros in prize money, was presented to the winning team by representatives of the optics supplier on the morning of March 4, 2020 at the Abbe Center of Photonics in Jena.

Further information in German

Applications and potentials of quantum imaging

December 4, 2019

Visualization of a quantum imaging experiment.
© Fraunhofer IOF
Visualization of a quantum imaging experiment.

Quantum imaging is a diverse field of research that promises highly efficient imaging in extreme spectral regions as well as microscopy at the lowest light intensities. Since the first proof-of-concept experiments over 30 years ago, the field has evolved from more science-driven research to the threshold of numerous real-world application scenarios for imaging and microscopy. Fraunhofer IOF scientists provide an overview of promising approaches to quantum imaging and their prospects for future practical use in the journal Laser & Photonics Reviews.

to the publication

Nonlinear optics in the smallest dimensions: New Collaborative Research Center "Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales" at the University of Jena.

May 23, 2019

Light is capable of so much more! A team from the University of Jena and other research institutions wants to further demystify the secrets of optics. The German Research Foundation (DFG) has now approved Collaborative Research Center 1375 "Nonlinear Optics down to Atomic scales"; NOA for short. The team led by physicist Prof. Dr. Ulf Peschel and chemist Prof. Dr. Stefanie Gräfe will receive funding of around nine million euros for an initial period of four years. The large-scale research project will start on July 1.

Further information